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Resources and News from the world of Outsourcing

Performance management. How to get the best from your organization

Try to answer this question: would you leave for a trip without first assessing interesting places to visit, which means of transport to use, or if the fellow travelers are suitable for you? And during the journey, wouldn’t you check that everything goes as planned?

Sure, maybe the more adventurous of you might throw themselves completely into the journey, but many would definitely plan

The importance of conflict management

In any type of working activity conflict may be seen as a possible component of it. Within the organization it can be defined as “an interactive process that is manifested by incompatibility, disagreement, or dissonance within or between social entities such as individuals, groups or organizations” (Rahim, 2001).

Outsourcing: 3 main benefits

Outsourcing is the process through which a company relies on an external supplier for some of its activities, which may include, for example, the management of the canteen or a postal delivery service.

Today this is a growing trend and the reason why is to be found in the benefits that this practice leads to companies. Specifically, we can identify three very important benefits.

Italy focuses on green economy

Sustainable economy is one of the most suitable solution to face the crisis. This is what emerges from the last edition of the General Assembly of the green economy, which was organized during Ecomondo, the International Trade Fair of Material & Energy Recovery and Sustainable Development, held in Rimini from 5th to 8th November 2014.

Corporate storytelling: a business narration

“Tell me a story!”

As children we were all fascinated by stories. Growing up, maybe there is no more time for fairy tales, but the same desire to storytelling remains, and so we read articles, reports, interviews.

Even in the advertising and business fields today the narration is widely used.
The corporate storytelling
Storytelling refers to the act of narrating.

Team building: a way to enhance the teamwork

outsourcing insourcing 2022

A solid and harmonious working group is the basis for the success of any job.

Inbound marketing: how to promote it and why

Let’s start with a premise: in today’s market it is important that companies stand out from the crowd and that they are ready to catch the attention of possible future customers, even and especially through the new possibilities offered by Internet.

What kind of leader are you?

In each group – families, groups of friends, job groups – there are one or more people who play the role of leader.
Leadership: a definition
Leadership can be defined as the “interaction of people who in a structured organisation occupy the highest position – otherwise known as a leader – with the rest of the group.

Netiquette: guidelines for social networks

Nowadays, social networks are part of our lives, both personally and professionally. And even if we use them behind a screen, it is necessary to use them in a correct and polite way, just like in the “real” interactions.
Netiquette: what is it?
Here’s the netiquette, a neologism that combines the English word “network” and the French one “étiquette” (good manners).

7 Tips for saving energy in the office

The issue of energy conservation is of primary importance for the future of the planet, but what often escapes employee education is that you do not need great efforts to achieve results: even simple actions done on a daily basis can have a real effect.


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