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Resources and News from the world of Outsourcing

Outsourcing del personale come sinonimo di aumento della produttività

Nell’ambito della gestione del personale di un’azienda rientrano svariate procedure. Ciascuna di esse riguarda un aspetto specifico ed il loro insieme determina l’efficacia di tale gestione. Data la vastità di questa area di servizi aziendali, i relativi costi e le energie che richiede costituiscono spesso un ostacolo per la produttività dell’azienda stessa.

Outsourcing: what benefits for your company?

The outsourcing of one or more business activities will help your company to increase profits. First of all by saving on a series of management costs. Internally supporting every business department can be the traditional way of doing business. But it may not be the best way to do business. Outsourcing can help you get more revenue. And leave your staff time to focus on crucial processes.

Business Services: Outsourcing and personnel administration

outsourcing esternalizzazione terziarizzazione

Nowadays every company is subject to competitive pressure. It is a factor that has now put in crisis, irreversibly, the traditional business model. It is clear that it is necessary to rethink the new business. Trying to consistently meet the challenges of a world of work has changed. Gruppo La Meridiana provides the solution, offering business services to suit every need.

Personnel selection: the Professional Recruiter skills

Personnel selection the Professional Recruiter skills

The recruitment of new human resources requires a very careful work by the recruiter in charge. We want to put at your disposal our long experience in this area. Below you will find a number of tips on how to effectively carry out the recruitment procedure.Our management has professionals who can guide you listening, analysis and support of candidates.

Logistics: how to reduce costs in 6 steps

logistica outsourcing logistico

Logistics is a very important sector for all companies that need daily materials transport . An efficient logistics service can affect the success of your business. In contrast, a logistics sector that is malfunctioning can cause huge losses of money, but also to customers. It is not so easy to perfectly operate in this business area.

HR Outsourcing: how staff training plan evolves

outsourcing risorse umane piano formazione

Thanks to an extensive experience in the Outsourcing area, Gruppo La Meridiana has developed the most effective strategies about personnel management services. A very important part of these strategies is about staff training. A work team cannot make a good job without an appropriate training that takes account of the business objectives.

HR Management: 5 Reasons to outsource Human Resources

ufficio risorse umane

The area of Human Resources can be the most productive of the departments of your company. When the industry doesn’t operates at a lower level than optimal, the manager will be able to devote himself to higher goals. According to support the company’s growth. Indeed, both the leaders that those involved in HR management, should always be able to focus their attention on a growth target.

Payroll: benefits of Outsourcing management

payroll gestione paghe

To the sector of  human resources are asked to play a more flexible role. Payroll management and personnel administration now is, in effect, a strategic support of innovation for companies. Payroll, therefore, is going to change its organizational model. In an effort to increase the efficiency of the service, to enhance the company as a whole.

Marketing Management: In-House or Outsourcing?

gestione marketing outsourcing

Many companies believe that the best way to make marketing management efficient and effective is to build an internal team that is familiar with the mission. As well as with brand vision. But if your company does not have a team with appropriate resources to carry out this task, it may be very difficult to find the right skills. Both from the research as regards the expense.

Corporate leadership: what influences your team?

business leadership

Nobody said it was easy to be a manager. Who’s got the corporate leadership must coordinate one or more work teams. And align projects with business goals. In addition, the leader is to be considered as the main source of professional development for employees. Managing everything and everyone to achieve goals is certainly difficult.


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