

Knowledge Economy: What is it?

knowledge economy economia della conoscenza

Increasing access to digital technologies could radically transform global economies. Even those developing. Much has been talked in the Human Resources Forum, bin these days, in Milan. In particular, it was emphasized the so-called knowledge economy, but what is it?
Over the millennia, there have been various economic transitions in the history of the world.

Working Trends: the new needs of HR leaders

Millennials, shortly, completely replace the older generation in the company. The dell  Intelligence Artificial Revolution  is now here and many leaders are unprepared to it. In the midst of so much change planning and forecasting it has now become vital for the survival of the business.

People Strategy: HR management in the digital age

people strategy

The digital revolution has also and especially involved human resources. HR Departments have to completely change approach to personnel management. Trying to provide for a new organization of human capital management processes. In line with the new requirements of modern business.

HR Outsourcing Services: personnel management and safety at work

Gruppo La Meridiana offers a complete and valid outsourcing personnel service. We support the cooperation with our partners to follow and to assess all the aspects of Human Resources Management. Managing safety at work is often underestimated.

The importance of HR department problem solving

Every living being perceives the emergence of a problem when, motivated to achieve a goal, something prevents him from doing so through the typical mechanical or automatic actions that life has taught him, when no activity instinctive nor any learned behavior can help to achieve his goal.

4 steps to manage time in a strategic way

Every day we are targeted by so many inputs and it is increasingly difficult to keep the concentration, especially in the workplace. Let’s try to think of how many times you have been interrupted while working from calls, new mail notifications from different social networks, new messages and urgent requests.

Digital recruiting: the future (and present) of HR selection

It is clear: the world of work is changing. More and more often companies need to find the right people for their business in a short time and with a small budget, the traditional methods for finding staff seem sometimes too inefficient, and the skills required are often difficult to find.

Performance management. How to get the best from your organization

Try to answer this question: would you leave for a trip without first assessing interesting places to visit, which means of transport to use, or if the fellow travelers are suitable for you? And during the journey, wouldn’t you check that everything goes as planned?

Sure, maybe the more adventurous of you might throw themselves completely into the journey, but many would definitely plan

Do cooperatives favor employment?

Sometimes one doubts the effectiveness of cooperatives. The Italian system of cooperatives, however, is a real driving force for the Italian economy . This is demonstrated by many studies on the impact of direct cooperation on entrepreneurship and employment. The Chambers of Commerce and Istat provided us with important numbers to understand the actual results of co-operatives.

How to be successful in the workplace

What changes are happening in the world of work ? What transformations affect companies, workers, businesses and all the people in them? In the book “The Startup of You”, Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha distill important lessons to succeed in today’s and tomorrow’s business world.


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