

HR Outsourcing: it’s a question of marketing!

Find an employee, nowadays, is not so simple. It should publish a job announcement, calling people, proceed with the talks. After getting to know the candidates, you must assess the skills and attitudes. Subsequently, it proceeds to a second encounter. Then, you choose the ideal person and is offered a job.

Logistics services: how to create a winning strategy

outsourcing esternalizzazione terziarizzazione

History teaches. All time. We all know the historical exploits of people like Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar or Napoleon. But what has this to do with logistics services? Simple: as it may seem absurd, the greatest battles in history were won thanks to an efficient logistics strategy.

Outsourcing: what Millennials think about it

outsourcing millennials

Outsourcing can be a source of great efficiency within a company, depending on how it is used. If you outsource to a specialist, there are many possibilities to achieve results far better than to entrust the job to an internal resource. In addition, with outsourcing, most likely the costs will be lower.

Payroll: personnel administration in the future

Payroll outsourcing

The new enterprise technologies have transformed the personnel administration. That is no longer simply a sector that generates only data. We are talking about technologies such as Cloud. That has allowed international companies to expand further and faster than ever. All this has turned the payroll service.

Outsourcing: from private to public procurement

The application of outsourcing in the public sector is growing support. This application relates to the assignment of the exercise of public activities, administrative functions, public or instrumental activities, creation or management of public goods, to parties other than the government.

Healthcare Professional Training: how to dress and undress patients

oss operatore socio sanitario

The figure of Healthcare Professional is becoming increasingly important in modern society. They are in fact more and more older people who choose or need to spend their days in the Health Welfare Services Residences. Our cooperative, as a leading supplier in Italy of outsourcing services for companies, is also involved in the recruitment and training of health personnel.

Change Management: what is it and why it is important?

change management

Since the 2000s, the organizational changes have become permanent features in the business landscape. New markets and new technologies have questioned all the old powerful business models. The capital flows and investments have become less predictable. That’s why, to meet these new challenges, it has caught on so-called change management. It is about the management change  in business.

Start an Extended Care Unit: the costs

avviare una RSA

Those who choose to start an Extended Care Unit starts from two basic assumptions. The first is that, demographically speaking, the number of elderly people, especially in Italy, is soaring. The second is the economic crisis that still has not abandoned our country and to which you must reply with alternatives. These include work in the healthcare field is definitely a great opportunity.

Payroll Outsourcing: forecasts and trends to 2021

outsourcing payroll previsioni

We are entering in the last quarter of 2017. As every year, in the world of business management, trends in different business sectors are analyzed. Today we will deal with the forecasts in the context of Payroll Outsourcing, or the market of services for payroll management.

Working as Social Health Operator: viable alternative?


Many Italian students (and not) today drop out of university career to work as Social Health Operator. This is just an obvious choice to deal with the crisis with a viable alternative? Until not long ago, working as Social Health Operator was considered only as a last resort. Currently, however, this job become hasan ambition rather widespread. Throughout Italy.


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