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Hotel and Facebook: tips

It is now clear to most hotels and tourist portals around the world that Facebook is an indispensable platform for their activities. It is possible to retain customers through posts and status updates and above all there is the ability to leverage their social connections and make them become a fan of your page. However; even after publishing links to offers to and classic photos of the hotel customers may still  miss the general ideas about the content you post. Here are some techniques that the Group La Meridiana recommends gain and keep interest and get the most from Facebook.

1. Reviews:

  • Publish positive reviews, photos and links to magazines, newspapers, specialized websites, blogs, and applications such as TripAdvisor, Yelp, etc.. where the Hotel is mentioned.
  • Invite fans to leave reviews and opinions regarding the hotel in a discreet and attractive way

2. Offers:

  • Publish links to offers on this site Web
  • Propose specific offers and exclusives and generate coupons to offer special discounts to those who are fans of the hotel on Facebook

3. Participation:

  • Invite users to share their impressions. (for example, using the survey instrument and inviting hotel guests to publish photos taken at the hotel)
  • Keep a calendar with major events and holidays
  • Use the “fill in the blank” type of post: “When I go to dinner at the restaurant I can not avoid to order …”. Facebook ensure 90% more interactions for this type of post
  • Exploit the inevitable “Photo Contest” that will help stimulate the positive opinions and will generate active participation of the users to the page, which translates into greater visibility.

4. Content and Useful Information:

  • Let the images speak for themselves because the images are what is affecting the user’s attention most on Facebook. You can create a real diary of the business life of the hotel with this strategy.
  • Inform fans and publish the links of all other social profiles (Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, Pinterest, etc.).
  • Publish unpublished material, information, images and recommend other sites and useful services such as news about the weather and places to visit in the area.
  • Publish news about interesting events.

In conclusion the Group la Meridiana reminds you to make sure that the contents posted on the website and social media are always captivating, precise and dedicated to customers. The content is in fact an important component regarding the marketing in social media and is in fact the calling card that brings the customer to make reservations and give you visibility.

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