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How to have guests back to your hotel

An often overlooked key aspect of the hotel marketing is represented by previous customers that have already enjoyed the hospitality of your hotel.

Often marketing strategies are directed primarily to look for new guests. That’s supported by costly inquiries run in order to understand the right target for a good marketing campaign. In doing so the hotel facilities are investing hundreds of thousands of euro to try to build a strong brand and attract the attention of new visitors, especially in the web marketing time.

The Group La Meridiana provides personalized services aimed at building customer loyalty thanks to the competent and constant updating of its experts in the field of hotel marketing. Paying attention to this group you can significantly increase both the reservations and the reputation (mainly online) of the structure. To do serve a few but precise measures that the Group La Meridiana is able to offer.

Customers represent a past recipient of which we already have a lot of information, and to which we can direct communications and proposals with effectiveness. Personal tastes and preferences expressed during their previous stays have valuable information that, when added to personal information such as private contacts and connections on social media, allow you to build customer loyalty and to remain in contact with the guests. These will be very happy to return to the facility that makes them feel important and with which they have maintained good contacts.

The Group La Meridiana has recently conducted research on the habits of customers of major Italian chains. A surprising finding confirms that almost 10% of the guests always prefers the structure where they have been and do not want to experiment new hotels. This points out on how the numbers of customers to engage in fidelity program is still very wide. The implementation of marketing strategies aimed at winning previous customers may ultimately play an important role in the competition of brand review.

That’s why the experts of the Group La Meridiana can help you with simple but customized recommendations on how to enhance promotional campaigns for your hotel. In the next post we will talk about what tips can give our experts to begin the first steps towards a successful loyalty.


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