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Gener Equality in the Italian Workplace

Many international brands established in various fields in recent years have made ​​the issue of gender equality, a real cornerstone of their corporate policy in terms of recruitment .

This is actually the outcome of a very long and complex historical process, the result of long struggles and achievements of the campaign have paid off in many ways.

What does the Constitution say?

The Italian Constitution covers equal opportunities in the workplace and it is expressed in very clear terms, ensuring on equality and equal social dignity of its citizens regardless of sex, race, language, religion, political opinions and personal conditions and social class.

In particular, the founding fathers, in an Italy that looked to modernity, were careful to emphasize the rights of working women.

The woman, according to the Constitution, shall have the same rights and, for equal work, the same wages as working men. Working conditions must allow women to fulfill their essential role in the family and ensure the mother and the child a special and adequate protection.

From protection to equality

A further step forward in terms of gender equality was the law 903/77 born on the wave of the feminist movements and come forward with the arrogance of the woman question.

The law of ’77 and was intended to extend the equality between man and woman in a comprehensive manner, in access, treatment and extinction of employment.

It is a big change compared to previous laws since the early years of the twentieth century tended to “protect and defend” the woman, to the point of assimilating women’s work to that of minors, implicitly reaffirming the inferiority and inequality of the worker and discouraging the recruitment by the employer.

New laws for company evolution

Over the years, many other laws that regulate specifically the right to maternity and breastfeeding, birth of nurseries managed by the Public Administration and many other topics have come into play.

Of course in the sixty years of Italian history since the drafting of the constitution, the world and Italy have undergone profound changes.  With this the issues of gender equality have been increased to extreme significance.

We are now closer to equal opportunities and access to employment by the world of LGBT .

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