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Business Trends in 2018: forecasts

Business Trends 2018

Audacity and innovation will be reflected in Business Trends 2018, as has been happening for a few years, in the face of digital revolution now fully complete. Some of the trends we’re going to look into are in nascent stage. While others have already taken root. We have taken into consideration 10 of this, which we believe to be the most relevant and effective for the success of your business. Let’s find out together.

Business Trends 2018: the leadership of AI

It is becoming increasingly clear that Artificial Intelligence will drive the customer experience. In any field. Often, when you think to AI, people mistakenly think an interaction dehumanizing. It is therefore essential to clarify one thing: we must not confuse the AI with the automation of the primitive marketing.

There are three levels of machine learning. In the first machines perform tasks normally performed by humans. The second level sees the machines to learn on their own. In the third machine learning chains combine to an advanced learning.

Leading companies are adopting artificial intelligence to perform repeatable and redundant tasks and to process large amounts of data. The goal is not to avoid human interaction, but enrich it.

Thanks to Artificial Intelligence can therefore customize the content available to the customer. According to the person and the specific lifestyle of a consumer. The AI is not a futuristic concept. The tools and technologies are affordable and have not prohibitive cost .

Social Media

The best companies are realizing that creating large communities generates loyalty to brand long-term . Again, social media does not replace the need for human interaction, but embellish.

This is facilitated by the fact that the modern consumer is born already connected to the virtual world. For companies it is therefore possible to restore the annual events, such as live streaming mode. When up to some time ago, however, it would be difficult for the customer to participate in a certain type of initiatives.

Millennials will welcome the Z Generation

The younger generation, born after 1998, is now entering the years of training and is starting to affect the business. While Millennials are assuming increasingly important roles within organizations, the Generation Z is the space between the employees.

The Last Generation was born with the devices in hand. It will be interesting, therefore, to see how the two generations will interact with each other to create new business solutions.

Wages and Benefits rising

Despite the still significant global economic crisis, the Business Trends 2018 to the near future are very positive. Even and especially economically speaking. The  manager HR should expect an increase of 3%. For jobs in high demand such as healthcare, elderly care and physical therapy, it is expected that wage growth is the most consistent.

We will also see increases in engineering salaries in drone technology and virtual reality. Employers feel the pressure to adjust the fees with the primary aim to attract and retain top talent.

The Social Learning exceeds distance learning

Over the years, more and more professionals have started to work remotely. For this, companies have developed new and creative solutions to allow their talents to affect the business away from the office.

Social Learning is the process of learning through social interaction with peers. It may take place informally, including whole team in real time. The 50% of companies are already using social learning in some way and two-thirds plan to use it in the future.

Social learning includes online courses. The learning programs most successful online include a digital community. In which participants can share their experiences, ask questions to each other and engage in social learning that goes beyond the curriculum of the course.

These are the top five important changes for Business Trends 2018.  In the next article, we will see the second part of our top ten.

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