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A tip how to recruit the right employees

HR Management


Gruppo La Meridiana has a vast experience in HR Management and Personnel Outsourcing. Basing on its long-term experience and expertise we would like to present to you an insightful tip that can help you hire the right employees.

We know recruitment procedure can be exhausting. You spend time preparing the right job offer, placing the job ad in the social media, promoting it an you get even a 100 CVs. This is followed by mundane hours of reading resumes and tiresome selection oft candidates. Then the interview process follows that is again hours of not-always-constructive conversations. And still, you are not always sure to get the right candidate. Often the interviews are uninteresting and the prospect of finding the right person feels as distant as it was at the very beginning.

We have one tip for you: change the recruitment process. Instead of a standard CV, ask the candidates to send you a newsletter about them or a Whatsapp message presenting them to a company. The more creative the task you ask your applicants to do is, the more likely it is that only those really interested in the company would apply.

Creating a newsletter instead of a standard resume cuts already a whole range of people who are applying to your company at random (they would not even want to make the effort to send something more than their standard CV). It also gives you an advantage of getting to know not only the pure facts and figures of somebody’s life but also their personality (and then you can see if that personality fits the tone of the company). As not so many people would make the effort to create a newsletter about themselves you save a lot of time traditionally spent on reading through tens of hundreds of CVs. You also, get the right people straight away and you avoid wasting hours on unfulfilling interviews.

An additional bonus is that since creating a newsletter requires some extra work and informing themselves well about the company, what you get is people really interested in your product, service and your company. That way you may not get a 120 resumes in response to your traditional job offer, but 6-8 newsletters of well qualified people, fitting well the culture and interested in your company. And, as it recently has been proven that people’s desire to work for your company is the single most important trait when hiring personnel, it makes all the difference. You may need to use your creativity initially to go beyond a standard CV, but it will well be worth it, as in return you get a quick and efficient recruitment process topped by acquiring the right people for your company.

This and many more tips you will get from Gruppo La Meridiana if you decide to try our HR services. Through a wide scope of personnel experts, Gruppo La Meridiana offers you the HR / personnel outsourcing solution that fits the unique requirements of your company.


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