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Outsourcing and the problem of ethics


When Outsourcing started its personnel rise to success, it met in its way a lot of scepticism. Opponents’ favourite topic can be summarised as follows: “Are you not causing a loss of employment in order to save costs?”. The Outsourcing’ problem of ethics was born this way.

As a leader of Outsourcing services in Italy, Gruppo La Meridiana wants to provide a satisfactory response to this question, with due regard for the validity of the argument, but also bearing in mind the needs of companies.

Does it actually exist an Outsourcing’ problem of ethics?

While the supposed problem of ethics dampened choices by some companies, many other holdings also decided to outsource their services. In order to remain competitive in a fast paced market, Outsourcing represented and is still a sound and effective strategy. So, the first great response that we can give is that the solution of the Outsourcing’ problem of ethics is to watch it from another point of view. Quite simply put, if a company leaves its business at the mercy of market changes, it unconsciously causes its own failure, giving rise to an even more serious loss of employment. Let us remember that one of the greatest benefit of Outsourcing is that not only does it save costs for a company, but also gives it access to resources and skill-sets that wouldn’t have been possible. Thanks to cooperatives like Gruppo La Meridiana, over the years, Outsourcing has amply demonstrated that instead of harming jobs, it has in fact given more freedom to companies to operate competitively and be successful.

Quality, control and safety

The concerns that still arising in the thinking of the sceptics also affect the concepts of quality and control. It is perhaps a platitude to compare cost reduction and a general deterioration of quality service. The reality of Outsourcing is, however, different, firstly because precisely the quality is one of the main objectives of suppliers, at the time when a partnership begins. If anything, the problem is to choose the ideal supplier. One of the pitfalls of failed Outsourcing relationships is not being able to identify the right partner for a company’s outsourcing needs. A good outsourcer is someone who can work with the objectives of a company rather than focus on specific projects, which do not allow growth. Quality is mainly due to cooperation. Also the Outsourcing Personnel Management is very different from what opponents think. Good suppliers are able to make available to their clients a network of expert and prepared professionals. It follows that, quality is not at risk from this point of view too. Lastly, also the doubts about control and safety can be talked down to by Outsourcing’ demonstrations over the years. The terms and conditions of the contract between outsourcer and outsourcee are essential in this aspect. Clarity creates safety and all that is clear can be controlled in the best possible way.

It should be pointed out that in the selection of suppliers you must require proven experience. For more than ten years, Gruppo La Meridiana accompanies its partners towards growth and innovation always with great success. We work, every day, in a professional manner and with passion, motivated by our values in accordance with yours.


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