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Outsourcing in healthcare: temporary or long-term solution?

As investments decrease and with the necessity to save money on IT and HR, many healthcare centers, hospitals and doctors have begun outsourcing many services in order to minimize inefficiencies. Outsourcing in healthcare is a growing trend, and experts foresee a continuing growth in the foreseeable future.

Outsourcing healthcare services

Healthcare facilities and hospitals have usually chosen to outsource support services only, such as laundry, cleaning, supply chain or catering. But nowadays with technology advancements and the creation of new solutions by service providers, outsourcing has not only increased but has widened its scope, with many more services on offer. Let’s see the main services being outsourced by the healthcare industry.


One of the most common outsourced services in healthcare is management. There are many advantages, such as lower costs, fewer employees, more efficient results and savings. Such advantages suggest outsourcing in this area will continue to grow, thanks also to healthcare structural reforms which compel, for example, to reduce paperwork in favor of digital documents.

Document management

These include filling in various documents such as medical reports, graphs and charts, follow-ups on physical therapy, teleconference transcripts and more. All of it of vital importance for a hospital or private clinic. Outsourcing these activities is a growing trend, as it saves a lot your employees’ time. There’s a growing number of medical facilities searching for reliable partners to which outsource these services.

IT management and consulting

A medical doctor is certainly not the best suited individual to manage specialized software and medical IT services. Small and medium IT businesses often can’t keep up with the demands of larger medical facilities, such as day-to-day administration, accounting and promptly taking care of extraordinary needs. Thus many medical facilities have chosen to outsource their IT needs to larger groups that can handle the required scale of operation, implementation and specific problem solving as they arise. Outsourcing a medical center IT needs allows it to allocate more time and resources to their core business.

Clinical services

As a patient’s day-to-day clinical healthcare becomes more and more digital so the trend grows to outsource many of its different aspects. Such services might include supplying specialized emergency personnel, anesthesia, diagnostics, dialysis and personnel recruiting.

The future of Outsourcing in Healthcare

Unfortunately today Healthcare has become a low-cost right. Better yet, everybody wants top quality results but with minimum expense. As a result, Outsourcing has become almost an only choice which revealed itself as an excellent corporate strategy. But healthcare requires more attention especially from the competent authorities which define its rules of operation. The worst results in outsourced healthcare emerged where the service provider couldn’t provide high quality services, but escaping blameless because of scarce government oversight. Policies to facilitate outsourcing of high quality services would be an advantage to medical facilities and patients as well.

Gruppo La Meridiana represents a high-quality outsourcing service cooperative, offering support to institutions and companies in the healthcare business. In particular, we’re specialized in offering nursing, medical and physiotherapy services, including training, emergency ambulance operations and consulting.

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