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Human Resources: how to measure the ROI of training programs

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As a leader of the HR department, your greater commitment is to identify the best methods to develop the work of your team, in order to maintain high competitiveness of your business. Most of the chances of success for the realization of this goal is related to education. Often, however, many department heads spend more time to understand the “when” rather than focusing on the “how“. The inability to design an effective training program and to measure the effectiveness of the same, can be a major cause of the crisis of an enterprise.

If you are interested to upgrade the skills of your work crew, try to follow the advice which you’ll find below. On the other hand, if it were enough to rely on the financial statements, the role of HR manager would have no reason to exist.

Human Resources: What are the data that can be used for the evaluation of training programs in the business?

We descend immediately into the details of the interventions that can improve HR management through staff training.

When you developed a new training program, you should necessarily take several factors into account.

Reaction. The first level of measurement of a training program can be identified with a couple of questions: how feel the participants in respect to the class to which they have just witnessed? What is their level of satisfaction? Subjecting the questionnaires to employees is one of the most common examples of the reaction measurement. The ideal would be to run anonymous surveys, with the aim of getting honest answers. Surveys can offer many interesting data on any type of project.

Learning. The second level of evaluation of a training program is about learning: have participants absorbed the knowledge and skills covered by the program? How far their skills have changed / improved? To detect the level of learning you can use the test to foreground, proposing a specific type before and after the course.

Behavior. It is clear that one of the objectives of the training is to stimulate the employee to behave in a new way within the company. Again, the best evaluation tool is the questionnaire. It will be important to ask the participants to describe what they have started to do otherwise, after the formation. An alternative method, but more complex, is the observation.

Results. The fourth level of measurement and control of a training program is closely related to the results obtained. To what extent business productivity was affected by training? When we talk about results, we mean some real data as:

  • Profits
  • Return on Investment
  • Sales
  • Quality Production
  • Quantity
  • Respected Times
  • Cost reports
  • Fatigue of employees
  • Employee Commitment.

All these data refer (and must be included) in the business plan.

Outsourcing and personnel management

For all needs related to the human resources management of your company , Gruppo La Meridiana has the right solution for you.

Thanks to our long and valuable experience in outsourcing services providing for companies, we are able to use the best evaluation methods for the management and staff training. The comparison pre and post assessment is the basis of any strategy that we propose to our clients. The practical approach implemented by our professionals will bring your business to optimize the resources available to you, until you get the maximum. Our training systems include the design and implementation of dynamic learning experiences, with the aim of developing a successful business team.

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