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Hotel Marketing: how to increase bookings through Color Psychology

Gruppo La Meridiana meticulously works for its customers without overlooking any details, about research, training and personnel management. We administer employment contracts only to trained and competent people, for every qualification that our clients require us. Submitting personnel management to the Cooperative La Meridiana, you receive a support not only about the firm’s survival, but also and more importantly business growth.

We believe, for example, that a good marketing manager should have the capability to see through the simple technical knowledge. A good salesman must to be also psychologist and this applies to all business sectors. Most of hotel bookings are online and it is good to know what people watch on a web site. The view is by far the first sense whereby a normal human receives stimuli. This means you can implement a sales strategy on your web site considering Color Psychology and cultural factors.

Color Psychology is a real subject based on a fundamental principle: colors show or generate moods. Building your hotel web site, you take account of the results of research about colors. It has been estimated that 90% of customers who buy a product online, they choose it in accordance with criteria that relate to colors. In the field of tourism the matter is more complicated: tourists coming from the 5 Continents will react in a very different way for visual appearance of some colors, according to their origins and traditions and on the basis of socio-economic factors. Details about colors in the world below:

The White Color: in the Indian Ocean, white is death and funeral, in any case it means unhappiness. In Europe, on the contrary, white is purity, peace and security (for example wedding dress or the white lab coat).

The Black Color: in the Indian Ocean, it is usually associated with wealth and health. Japan disassociates itself from its Continent and like Europe and a part of Africa, it consider the black color death and negativity.

The Red Color: Asian red is earth, life and luck, whereas European red is love or danger. For the USA red is success and for Africans it is mourning and subordination.

The Green Color: the European green is spring, luck, but also jealousy. Asia considers generally the green as a symbol of hope and new life. For Africans green is strength, fertility and prestige, but for some North African countries and for the USA green is death and corruption or money and drugs too.

The Yellow Color: Asia considers generally the yellow color as a symbol of success, courage and nutrition. Europe thinks that yellow is cowardice and danger, while for Africans it is prosperity.

Color Psychology in not a small detail in a marketing strategy. One need only think that, changing the color of links, Microsoft’s search engine ( increased its advertising revenue by 80 million dollars. Given the above, the first step is to study the market of your hotel: where are your customers from? Then you can choose the colors of your web site thinking about to draw the attention of your customers in particular to two elements:

The main texts and messages (products and/or services)

Calls for action (for example the button for booking)

Communication is the most powerful advertising tool and above all the important thing is “how”.

Color Psychology represents a proven form of Marketing: it is not to manipulate or to fool customers, on the contrary it will be the demonstration of the attention that you are able to give them. Gruppo La Meridiana offers its own outsourcing services with the intention to enrich the partner business with the required experience to achieve important objectives. Some strategies types are rare, but they are our style. Gruppo La Meridiana’s hard work guarantees accurate services targeted for your hotel’ success.


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