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Resources and News from the world of Outsourcing

The future of business: welcome in the age of industry 4.0

For several years, the business world is going through a period of profound transition, better known as “the fourth industrial revolution.” In early 2016, the subject was addressed at the World Economic Forum: the debate has brought to light the consequences of this process of change, officially welcoming to the age of industry 4.0.

In effect, it is a phenomenon that will lead the industry to focus on automated and interconnected processes. There are risks and benefits: the bad news is that it involves the loss of more than 5 million jobs, the good is due to the development of the so-called Smart Manufacturing, or rather the adoption of digital technologies that increase interconnection and cooperation between the resources.

How did the fourth industrial revolution?

This process of change is closely linked to the birth and the diffusion of information technology, a tool that has been the focus of the third revolution, or rather the digital era. The work has changed and is changing and in this moment, in which the fourth industrial revolution is still in progress, experts are trying to figure out which professionals become the main resource for businesses, and what tasks, however, will disappear.

Already, technological tools such as cloud are greatly influencing business dynamics and they continue to do so in the next three years. The transmigration of professionals has already assumed major proportions; however, for the moment, losses and additions are balanced.

The Smart Manufacturing has caused loss of jobs, especially in administration and production areas, but compensating with the increasing demand for professionals in the financial sector, management, computer and engineering.

In Italy, the fourth industrial revolution is taking place with a little delay compared to other countries, but it must to be said that in our country the game of the jobs is in balance: 200,000 jobs lost and created as many. This means that, despite a policy a little clumsy towards the development of intelligent industry, changes are taking place in a more balanced way, allowing companies and workers to catch up with the times.

Gruppo La Meridiana works for over ten years in the provision of Outsourcing services, both from the point of view of the coordination of human resources, both as regards the administration of new technological solutions.

We know that companies, at this time, besides having to deal with the management of their growth path, should focus their attention on the changes of the business world.

Our main activity is to enable our customers to be free from the burden of different responsibilities within the business management; we also cooperate actively in the search for a new organization designed to promote the development of a project that is consistent with the current reality.

We operate in sectors, such as hotels and logistics, which more than others call for support to create the right interconnection and cooperation between resources.

We work hard to keep up to date. We are confident that the success first steps by the devotion to work and the desire to get ahead.

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