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Female entrepreneurship to boom

As experts have it, we are entering a golden age of female entrepreneurship. This change will be positive and empowering for the women who make the leap, good for the economy, good for consumers, and good for society. If you are a company that wants to prepare yourself for this shift, Gruppo La Meridiana are presenting to you the driving forces behind this trend:

  1.     The golden era of female entrepreneurship comes into being because it has been recognized that startups with female leadership are more successful than those run by men only.
  2.     We are reaching a golden era of female entrepreneurship because a critical mass of inspirational, successful female entrepreneurs, leading the way and providing examples has been achieved.
  3.     The other driving force behind female entrepreneurship is that there is now room for female entrepreneurship to thrive because there is now a growing ecosystem supporting women entrepreneurs and women-owned businesses. This will provide some combination of coaching, networking, instruction and introduction to funding sources.
  4.     The cost of technology is coming down fast, enabling entrepreneurs to start businesses in ways we simply couldn’t even a handful of years ago. Technology and client platforms that cost several millions years ago to set up, can now be put in place for about a million. A big difference that can make female entrepreneurship thrive.
  5.     The other costs of running a business are also coming down – freelancers can replace full-time employees, short term work place rentals replace long term leases, HR and accounting functions are being outsourced, videoconferencing largely replaces business travel. All these changes are drivind the costs down and enable female entrepreneurship.
  6.     Entrepreneurship is no longer just for the young. Women “of a certain age” are finding that, after the kids head off to college, they have oceans of time and the financial means to take on some business risk. That makes the potential group of female entrepreneurs bigger and bigger.
  7.     There are more sources of funding for women entrepreneurs. It’s no longer venture capital only, think crowdfunding, women-focused angel investing groups, or for-women business loans. The easier it is to get funding for your business, the easier it gets to be a successful female entrepreneur.

The golden age of female entrepreneurship is coming and it will have a significant impact on the economy. Women-run businesses will grow the economy and many of them will make the lives of other women better (and more fun). These businesses will also provide great places for other women (and men) to work and all that will shape the work culture in 2016.

If you want to know more about female entrepreneurship and how it will affect your business, please contact Gruppo La Meridiana. As an expert in HR, we are happy to let you know more about the latest trends, latest opportunities and how to seize them.


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