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Customer Service: how to increase the quality of your business

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When a customer buys a product, for example in your supermarket, it can happen that he notices that he has chosen the wrong brand. He might, therefore, call your company to ask for a change. An operation of this type, it is not as easy as it sounds. It must be that your company can rely on an efficient customer service, able to handle the problem.

As a founder or manager, it is your job to make sure that customers have positive experiences when problems arise between him and your company. Whether you have a supermarket, a restaurant, a hotel, or any type of business, to build a properly customer service can increase the quality of your business. To achieve this, it is necessary that optimization of this service becomes a priority.

Below are some tips to achieve your goal.

Customer Service: the importance of problem solving

Many people believe that benefits of customer assistance are difficult to evaluate, because consist of a “relational” component. 

On the contrary, the quality of customer service is directly linked to the strategic objectives of the firm.

If you have a good service, customers will be more likely to continue to turn to your company. Even paying more.

Below are some statistics that will make you understand the importance of effective problem solving:

  • The 55% of consumers recommend a company to other consumers, based on their experience with the company’s customer service.
  • The 58% of consumers say that they never will address the most at a given company, if they have had a bad experience with customer service thereof.
  • The 86% of consumers are willing to pay up to 25% more, while being assisted by a friendly and efficient service.

Based on these data, we can draw an important conclusion: good customer service is able to differentiate your company from the competition! By helping you to retain customers and stimulate them in paying the right price for your service.

How to create a flawless customer service?

No matter the type of industry in which you work, or if the customer service we are talking about is conducted on-site or remotely. What matters is the tone that it is used with consumers, content provided and the evaluation of the assistance.

Let’s see briefly the steps to optimize your customer service.

  • Create processes. You can have all the best intentions in the world, but if your customer service is disorganized, you will not get any result. As you know, the assistance can occur in several ways. For example, by telephone, by mail, on social, or physical area of your company, specifically dedicated to problem solving. Choose a responsible person for each communication channel with the client. Define the responsibilities of each. Establish rules and timelines. In this way, you will be able to listen to all and be able to offer your customers the best solutions to their problems.
  • Train staff on the tone to be used. If we say that the way we talk to customers is the most important of the proposed solution, we are not stating a misconception. In fact, using education and kindness, you can often get to gain acceptance to a few customers not just favorable conditions for them, or at least an alternative solution to their request. On the other hand, the customer also needs to feel at ease. So, you have to find a form of communication depending on the type of clientele that you welcome, but also personalized. Make sure your staff is able to talk to anyone in the face.
  • Include self service in customer service. Often customers do not need to talk with you to solve a “standard” problem. To be fair, many prefer not to. For all that can be handled automatically, you can include a “self-service” function, for example, on your site. In this way you will save time and money, while going to meet the needs of your customers.
  • Avoid automated messages. If you want to promote real connection between your employees and your customers, you will need to eliminate repetitive script, in favor of real conversations. In this way, customers will feel that they have the exclusive, while your staff will experience a greater sense of responsibility.
  • Measure the sentiment of customers. Create an evaluation system, so that customers can express their views on the received service. This will help you understand any errors and correct them promptly.

It is amazing how the customer service optimization can make the difference for your business. As a leader, it is your duty to make sure that your company will do everything possible to make your customers happy.

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