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Digital Marketing: Search Advertising

According to experts, nowadays, no brand can rely solely on organic search through search engines. No matter what the quality and quantity of content generated through organic search is, the process of getting the return of investment from organic search is too slow and unpredictable to rely solely on it.

Outsourcing: the advisory service


Outsourcing is all that a company entrusts or asks to external experts. They are not only ever practical services. In the labour market, people move on are the people who have profound knowledge of their own sector, of the economy and trade.

Why would you choose a cooperative model?

During the last years the cooperative model has become more and more popular and is an important percentage of the Italian economy with constant growth prospects.
Gruppo La Meridiana is exactly one of these realities; over the years it has been able to react to change in the working world, with its increasing fluidity and the advance of new forms of collaboration.

Factors that make teamwork successfull

TeamWork is nowadays a word every day more common in the working world about how important and necessary it is and how everyone should be able to join it. But how many of these companies are able to organize, manage and support consistently its working groups and how? In today’s post Group La Meridiana reveals some tips for a good teamwork management.

The importance of having an effective strategy

In a world where market and business evolve and change faster and faster, strategies that each company decides to pursue are crucial. As La Meridiana Group reminds that there is a definite distinction between strategy and operational effectiveness.

Project Circus from Group La Meridiana

The team spirit in the life and work
The Group La Meridiana for over twelve years provides businesses with qualified personnel in various sectors, providing its services to companies with whom it collaborates on a daily basis.
The Group La Meridiana believes in working as a team.

Flexicurity, the model of flexible security

The term flexicurity may already be known to many of you, as it is often used in newspapers, in research studies and in talk shows dedicated to the world of work. But what is it and why it is often taken as a welfare model?
What is flexicurity
Flexicurity is a neologism invented in the 90s in order to identify the Danish welfare model and it unites the words “flexibility”and “security”.

Retention: a key objective for companies

Here’s another term that indicates a fundamental aspect of the location of each company: retention
What is retention ?
Literally, retention means “conservation”, “maintenance”. This term can have a double meaning: one related to company-consumer, the other reported that between the company and its employees. Let’s see then the two meanings.


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