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Smile Rangers: smile you’re safe!

progetto smile rangers

Consortium Group La Meridiana is responsible since many years for services and staff outsourcing, with particular attention not only to the achievement of objectives with its customers but particularly cares about the needs and expectations of end users.

For the issue of daily safety exists today a health spot, Smile Rangers, which helps families who are shopping to feel more calm, assisting them quickly and effectively in case of need.

It’s a service dedicated to all those business centers that do not have the resources to assist customers in the event of illness, fainting or other health problems. Smile Rangers, through the stationing within their inflatable structure in the mall area guarantee a first quality intervention and a complete assistance in a jiffy.

Smile Rangers is an international project with the first responders’ objective of ensuring security for families and customers while they shop. The professionals who work for the organization are qualified to detect the patient’s general condition, perform emergency measures (artificial respiration, oxygen therapy, external cardiac massage, hemostatic maneuvers) followed by immediate request for medical intervention, provide training and orientation for staff and ultimately provide health education for the patient and his family.

With Smile Rangers, who is shopping is safe. With appropriate equipment and highly qualified staff, malls have no more risks.

With experts ready to respond with speed, courtesy and competence and tools to ensure medical care quality, families can enjoy their leisure time without worry in a peaceful oasis for children and their families.

Smile Rangers: smile, you’re safe!


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