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Smile Rangers: safety is smile proof!

progetto smile rangers


Often, when a family goes in a mall to shop, parents or children may require help in case of emergency. Structures are not all equipped to provide assistance to people and/or children quickly and safely.

The Cooperative Gruppo La Meridiana has developed and manufactured a service aimed at resolving this problem: Smile Rangers. It is a health care center to help every consumer who can caught up by a sudden illness, while he is in a shopping center. Smile Rangers’ moon bounce inside the mall possesses all equipment necessary for first aid.

Let’s look at Smile Rangers’ specific skills and services offered:

         General diagnosis on the condition of the patient

         Emergency measures (for example CPR or artificial respiration)

         Request immediate of specialist medical assistance

         Training and guidance for the staff of the Centre

         Health-support to the patient and his family

Smile Rangers Operators’ characteristics are competence, speed and kindness. When we talk about safety, professionalism is of paramount importance. To know what to do, how and when, can help to solve in a simple way problems of a more serious nature. Timeliness is the second kay point about first aid. The right decisions must be reached very fast, in order to not to make things worse waiting for the operation by a specialist doctor. Lastly, the courtesy helps patients to feel at ease, so as not to aggravate their medical condition, with anxiety or panic attacks.

The mall are high-risk places when an emergency occurs. High attendance at shopping centres and the great size of buildings can be often a barrier to reach an emergency exit and/or to move to the nearest hospital. Smile Rangers service is specifically dedicated to every mall devoid of adequate facilities and competent staff, in order to enable them to offer safety and fun to all the families and consumers.

Gruppo La Meridiana boasts many years of experience in the field of safety. Our services are addressed not only to our clients, but also to end users. Our values shall be based primarily on the welfare of the people. We are able to offer the best services for this target, thanks to the great knowledge of our operators and to the quality of the instruments we use.

Shopping creates smiles and Smile Rangers will maintain them!


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