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Resources and News from the world of Outsourcing

Reasons to outsource

In our recent articles we addressed the vast topic of Outsourcing and the historical origins of this powerful tool, outlining the reasons and major benefits for businesses opting for this procedure. Through the extensive experience  of Group La Meridiana the process of assessing outsourcing solutions and their business drivers is greatly simplified. Planning the externalization of resources involves the analysis of four strategic metrics:

  • critical analysis of key business activities
  • risk exposure assessment, keyed by impact and probability
  • process relevance assessment, identifying non critical areas ideal to be outsourced
  • resource and competence assessment, expressing a prospective over business evolution theories applied to outsourcing deployments.

To further examine the major reasons behind the popularity of Outsourcing we will refer to a study conducted by The Outsourcing Institute on a pool of over 1200 US based business and identifying ten key points indicating the main drivers for its adoption:

  • Complex management of specific functions
  • Advantages addressing foreign markets
  • Re-Engineering process acceleration
  • Risk sharing factor
  • Reduced Time-to-Market duration
  • Unavailability of new resources
  • Optimization of existing resources
  • International experience of providers
  • Core business focus
  • Cost reductions

One of the main drivers behind Outsourcing is the growing need for companies to control recurring costs and more generally speaking controlling and preventing operational budget growth in the mid and long term. From this perspective, externalization of resources allows incrementing the incidence of variable costs while reducing the overall fixed ones, generating a sensible reduction of global operational costs leveraging scale economy and all the correlative advantages related to choosing a relying on a specialized and experienced providers such as Group La Meridiana, relying their expertise to achieve cooperative results in an extremely competitive environment and enabling its customers to leverage skills and achieve a full uniformity on the business process management in various markets.

A partnership with Group La Meridiana allows the customer access to technologies, work tools and specialized help which might usually not available within an organization itself, and providing additional space for savings on core investments and free resources to be dedicated for research and formation courses to empower employees to acquire the necessary familiarity with the new resources made available to them by the service providers.

Externalization allows the outsourcee dedicating less capital investment into functions not directly related to the core business, while enabling the company to focus on the products and services, maximizing the potential for success and increase redditivity. Companies can choose Outsourcing simply because they lack the internal resources to satisfy specific  professional challenges. This is particularly true for all expanding corporations in need for specific competences to face the numerous challenges company growth often poses. Outsourcing is also an important option to resolve management and control issues for specific business functions and last but not least,  can also involve improvements over index balances,  through the elimination of ROI16 duties for non-core business related investments.

On the resource allocation front, Outsourcing generates numerous advantages allowing organizations to transfer resources from auxiliary functions to those generating higher revenue or achieving greater quality standards for the customer.
Outsourcing constitutes a valid instrument for business process re-engineering leading on concentrating towards key activities, valorizing knowledge and professional growth, saving significant efforts and resources. The offer of Group La Meridiana surely assure benefits linked to the company transformation that can be translated in a faster launch in the market, fundamental advantage element with competitors.


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