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Outsourcing in logistics: data and expectations


The outsourcing in the logistics field represents one of the most efficient method to increase companies’ development in a strategic manner. The logistics sector includes several services for the transport of goods on which the company’s productivity depends on.

It would imply a huge stock investment, but due to the complexity of the transport network, first of all in case of internationalization of the business, this sector is particularly oriented towards the optimization of the cost/efficiency balance. Outsourcing is based on the aim to reach such optimization, so it’s easy to understand the importance of combining logistic services with an outsourcing strategy.

Logistics and outsourcing: a successful reality

The advantages of outsourcing in logistics is not merely theoretical. The outsourcing of services is, in general, a widely spread reality in Italy and a considerable part of this service includes logistics, thus allowing companies to count on external resources and to increase profits.

The outsourcing in the field of logistics has consolidated in recent years, in a way that draw the attention of research institutes such as “Osservatorio Contract Logistic”, that carried an interesting survey this years providing data about the success that outsourcing in logistics has earned in Italy. The companies examined were those operating in the food, pharmaceutical and fashion sectors, as well as in the large-scale retail trade and in the consumer electronics sector. All the companies examined featured a developed logistic area, as they had taken advantage of the high development rate produced by the outsourcing of logistics in recent years.

In order to understand the role that outsourcing had in companies’ growth, we can take a look at statistical data gathered between 2009/2010. Perhaps, the high development rate of companies is the most outstanding fact as, despite the economy was already beginning to suffer from a downturn, development rate equalled 9%. We can therefore say that companies’ development is the fact that most allows us to believe in the outsourcing mission: outsourcing, cost reduction and development.

The advantages of outsourcing in logistics in figures

According to what emerged from studies in the field of logistics, the growth of services in this field is an effect of the spread of outsourcing. Companies that benefited from this service particularly developed, between 2009 and 2010, in the road transport field and increased the number of couriers and logistic services providers. The rise in the number of logistic centres and terminals too is relevant. Between 2009 and 2010 it equalled 10%.

An important consequence of this development was, in 2010, the rise of 2% of the turnover valued in real terms. The same development rate was registered in 2011 and this year too outsourcing proved an effective strategy for companies. Current figures speak out: 70 billions euros is the amount of the overall companies’ turnover.


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