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HR: secrets of hiring best marketers

Hiring good marketers may be a key to a successful business. Especially nowadays, when economy starts to grow, more and more B2B ventures are increasingly looking for the right marketers to strengthen their business.

Gruppo La Meridiana has prepared a list of key characteristics that according to HR research make good marketers.

People with those traits will be the right fit for your company.

  1.     Curiosity

Our research shows that those who are genuinely curious already during the interview make up the best marketers. If you come across a person who is open, interested, not afraid to ask even the ‘stupid questions’, willing to know more about your business, your industry, marketing, but also the outside world, he or she may be a perfect candidate for you. Our research shows that those who are curious have a thirst for knowledge, they constantly reinvent themselves and ultimately become best marketers.

  1.     Beyond-marketing perspective

Our research indicates that if you want to hire a good marketer, is good to check whether he or she has a narrow (marketing-only) or a broad (beyond-marketing) perspective. Those who have at least one experience outside of marketing or are educated beyond marketing qualification may be the best gain to your company. For instance a marketer with a business degree brings to the table a good understanding of the company dynamics, he or she will not only market the products, they will know how to drive the company to success and will have the corporate growth always at the back of their head as their top priority

  1.     Willingness to challenge

If you are on the lookout for marketer, especially in the B2B business, think of how the customer in your business has changed in the recent years. A good marketer will be a person who responds to the changing market quickly. They are able to think out-of-the-box and challenge the existing status quo. A marketer will have the ability to find new solutions, approach the market in a new way, look at consumers from a different perspective, come up with ideas how to best market your products in a yet changing environment.

  1.     Customer perspective

It may go without saying, but a good marketer must easily adopt customers’ perspective. It is this ability of a marketer to step into the customers’ shoes that will be pivotal for him to be effective. We notice that many marketers don’t think beyond ‘beyond, selling, packaging, delivering products to the customers’ etc. A true marketer has their customers’ needs at heart following the claim that ‘Customer is the King’.

These are the traits that make a successful marketer, but if you are interested in the traits that make a successful hire in other areas of your organization please feel free to contact as as well. Gruppo La Meridiana has conducted a wide range of recruitment research and is happy to help you find best candidates to fill in your vacancies and make your business thrive.


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