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Hotel interiors: Casual work spaces

With more and more laptops and tablets available on the market, flexible office hours and flexible work spaces, omnipresent wifi, widespread travel, and increased mobility of workers, hotels face a challenge regarding work spaces for the guests. Old desks with stationary on it and one central socket place in the room for all guests’ devices are now being replaced by new ‘casual work’ solutions.

Gruppo La Meridiana can help you investigate new work space solutions and find the proper one for your hotel that will benefit you and keep your customer’s needs at bay.

As workers become less and less tethered to their desks, hotels must catch up with the trend and adapt the office spaces in their hotel rooms to match changing customer needs. Traditional, boxy desks with drawers and well-appointed stationary on them are giving way to some new solutions that match the needs of flexible of workers’ better than the traditional interior. Today, workers work everywhere, from a kitchen table, to a sofa, when they are at their office, at home or while they travel and that translates to how hotels’ interiors need to be designed.

Gruppo La Meridiana wishes to present some of the solutions that fit the ‘flexible worker’ better than the traditional hotel work space arrangements:

       laptop trays – they allow guests to work on the laptop from anywhere and not be tethered to the desk;

       abundance of electrical outlets – they allow guests to plug in from anywhere in the room;

       mobile desk — essentially an adjustable-height tray on wheels that can be pulled up to a bed or sofa so guests do not need to have their laptops literally in their laps;

       ‘blended space’ concept – instead of a traditional desk + leisure area a smaller desk, a sofa with an ottoman and a movable side table so travelers have more options as to where they work and where they relax;

       table instead of desk – gives a room a more residential feel and is convenient as many of the guests prefer working at the table than at the desk anyhow;

       several USB ports – they might be built into the bed, desk, as well as on the wall for customer convenience;

These are some of the suggestions, Gruppo La Maridiana can help provide for you customized solutions that would best fit your hotel and your target group. While some hotels will move towards casual work space quicker – those whose target group is mostly young, flexible travelers with fluid approach to work – others will need to be more cautious, as their visitors may be more traditional, likely older, and prefer a sizable desk with proper paperwork space over a small ‘pop-in-desk’; those will need to approach casual work space with more reservation.

Gruppo La Meridana with a broad range of experts in new working trends will help you customize your hotel to the changing needs of your consumers to satisfy your customers and increase your competitiveness.


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