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Hospitality trends: the Hotel of the future, Part 1

Gruppo La Meridiana is a cutting-edge Cooperative. In a major sector such as Tourism, our attention is focused on effectiveness of the services and on the science of innovations too. To offer the best through Outsourcing and consultancy, we believe that it is very important to take a good look at the evolution of hotel market.

In the last few years, the online reservation system has taken hold and it is becoming ever more widespread. From studying this system and reviews activity, it is possible to assess the needs of the travelling community so succinctly. It is surely thanks to people’s behaviour and attitudes that we can understand future developments and the necessary changes about tourist accommodation. First of all, it has been estimated that services offered attract customers much more than low prices. This means that people want to pay the right, as long as they receive greater comfort as possible. Customers are also very careful on promoting. They spent their time choosing a hotel and they want to buy coherent and realistic proposals. Quality is essential. As we have seen with “Marketing 3.0”, today the principal purpose of tourists is to benefit from functional services to achieve mental and physical wellbeing.

We can draw the first conclusions. The Hotel of the future is a structure which:

  • keeps promises,
  • meets the requirements of all the clients (from food to comfort),
  • offers customized services focusing on quality and empowering choice,
  • has a functional decor and allows space management,
  • honors the client,
  • is well integrated in the territory where it is posted, through agreements with other structures and other services.

We now see what specifically are the possible future scenarios in hospitality.

The Luxury

The low cost offers push more than 60 % of the tourists, but this large part of travellers generates only for 26% of tourism turnover. This means that many people are coming in the upper range of customers. This is happening because the concept of luxury has changed in comparison with the past. Today the luxury is closely linked to a welfare research. That’s why the Hotel of the future will be a luxury hotel.

The Destination Ich

What means “Destination Ich”? It is a theory whereby a tourist travels to find himself and no longer only to discover new locations. The Eco Friendly Hotels, the Solidarity Hotels and all theme structures, that will enable the tourists feel included in a social initiative or in a particular context, will be the hottest hotels. The Hotel of the future will be a teaching Hotel.

Health and welfare

Even now, health clubs attract millions of visitors. This is the paradox of developed societies: we’ve been running progress for millennia with a view to achieving welfare and the progress himself makes today welfare so unachievable. That’s why today holiday means relax. That’s why today relax means to focus to the body and mind. The Hotel of the future will be a therapeutic Hotel.

These are the foundations of the hospitality trends. In our next article about hospitality, we will write the effect of these considerations in practice. From design to a special meal, we will focus on the physical implementation of self, luxury and welfare. Separating the hospitality trends into two different spheres, we want to stress the importance of the psychological aspects also in a business strategy. To know what people think and want means to know the main thing. We would like to be self-centered thanks to our values and our great success: Gruppo La Meridiana is the ideal business partner of a present who believes in the future.


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