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Email Service in Hotel

New technologies and Internet powered applications provide Hotels and Touristic operators with numerous innovative and powerful instruments useful to improve and simplify operational and staff management activities. Ranging from simple E-Mail to Social Media or Cloud Applications, the skills required to manage those resources can often be provided in-house by existing employees formed by training activities provided by experienced cooperatives and agencies such as Group La Meridiana. In this first article on the subject we will discuss EMail, the simplest and most common tool as well as the most exposed to underestimation and abuse or external interference when unmanaged.

Email became a fundamental vector for booking and customer support activities and a mandatory tool for modern operations. On the other hand, it assumes full capacity of the provider to be responsive and satisfy the expectations of end-users, penalty receiving negative feedback and publicity. For this reason Group La Meridiana selected some valuable advice on managing business electronic mail for its readers.

1) Filters:

Filtering and classifying emails can greatly help streamline inbound e-mail with surprisingly effective results. Filtered messages can be removed, saved, forwarder or organized in folders based on the business requirements and priorities. WIth the volumes of messages a typical business receives daily, an organized and categorized folder structure can be extremely beneficial and simplify the daily operations of those in charge of responding.

2) Unsubscribing:

This might sound obvious, but the amount of commercial and unsolicited messages consequent of one-time subscriptions or single purposed accesses can quickly become overwhelming in terms of spam volumes. In such cases, unsubscribing from the lists generating undesired traffic is the best solution to reduce the time consumed by manual deletion. When this is not possible, a permanent ban on the sender should be considered as an automated filter.

3) Automatic forwarding

In addition to the possibility of introducing filters in your inbox La Meridiana Group also recommended the use of the service of automatic forwarding. The hotelier fact will not have to read all incoming messages and can focus on more important tasks such as the development and design of the best strategy to grow its structure. Through this service, messages are relayed directly in the mail of its staff members who can access them and replicate reaching a goal of efficiency and speed that will reflect the quality of the structure itself.

La Meridiana Group devotes time and energy with the purpose to shape its own staff to keep up with the market’s requests and the advantages offered by a knowledged use of technological tools. It also provides specific technologies designed for hotel industry to help in the management of their staff, suppliers and all those aspects related to work in the accomodation. Through the use of specific tools and highly qualified and trained to carry out all duties related to work in the Hotel La Meridiana Group offers services and a team of high quality and success.


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