

Outsourced Bookkeeping: 5 advantages

outsourcing contabilità

Start a business, but above all to make it work, it can take time. But also a great deal of energy. Of course, the best way to increase your chances of business success is to minimize the costs. No wonder that most of the managers is extremely strict when it comes to making payments. On the other hand, one of the high costs that companies must address concerns the accounting management .

Business Management: the development of the SWOT analysis

The company’s strategic planning is a critical step that any company that wants to achieve success must move. Set goals, but above all to reach them, is the goal of any manager. On the other hand, the work of any activity can not have long life if production processes are based on mechanisms dictated by the case.

Characteristics and benefits of working in a Cooperative Company

A services Cooperative company, is a system, it is a complex organization that is the result of the different business ideas, experiences and knowledges that interact and enrich themselves through cooperation in projects and jobs. When you choose the cooperative form, becoming an entrepreneur may be easier and less risky.

Core business: the 10 business processes key

core business

In any organization there is a  basic strategic processes set  by which the company can function properly. This applies to small companies than for large companies. It starts from 5 critical processes that characterize any business. And from them then they develop other five, according to the organization’s growth.

Payroll: why you can not afford to underestimate it

Payroll outsourcing

The payroll is one of the business activities more strongly underestimated by many executives. Or at least until something goes. A payroll service mishandled can open up many unfortunate scenarios. Examples are those scam cases where experienced operators have managed to steal the coffers of their company even several million.

Business Management: Corporate Strategy in 9 points

The world is full of theories and advice on how to build a better business.The most effective concepts, however, can be summarized in a few sentences. Here are nine of the ones we consider most relevant to the construction of a company functions.

Corporate strategies: success is all in the hands of people

The strategy can not be conceived in isolation from the people.

Business Management: how mature is your company?

gestione aziendale

Every business, every day, are facing major managerial challenges. However, for different companies are different challenges. And it is why a certain degree of wisdom must characterize your strategies. The strategic maturity of a business lies in going beyond its needs. To be successful today means being able to balance the strong points of business, with the opportunities in its field.

OSS: the differences between Italy and Europe


The profession of social health is in high demand, both in Italy and in Europe. However, the path to follow this career is not the same in all EU countries. Today we want to dwell on these differences, to understand tasks and requirements of this figure, out of Italy.
First, brief overview of the situation in our country.

HR Outsourcing: the impact on business performance

ufficio risorse umane

Human Resources Outsourcing has evolved significantly over the past twenty years. From payroll externalization, until the management of all activities related to human resources, as well as recruitment and training. The HR outsourcing is now linked to both small and large companies. With individual assets or entire company departments entrusted to an outside vendor.

Accounting Outsourcing: Benefits for growing companies

outsourcing contabilità

Outsourcing can be customized to meet your business needs. There comes a time for many growing companies, in which the leaders are aware that the accounting department no longer able to keep up production. It could be an opportunity to invest in new management software or new resources. Or, choose to outsource the department.


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