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Hotels & Human Resources: improvisation as a strategy for customer loyalty


Training staff about modes of behaviour and general rules they should deal with customer is desirable and highly productive, but sometimes, personal skills can mean the difference.

Some investigations into the tourist industry have revealed that many clients appreciate initiatives and improvisations of some employee of the hotel where they stayed. Viewed in another way, the result of this investigation shows that automation in the world of work is effective and useful, but the human being is still extremely important.

Some hotels took the baton from there to test and to introduce this new way of work among employees. Often, people like employees or clients feel they are stuck by formality. It is clear that improvisation is not an encouragement to do whatever you want, but as a real stimulus for the worker to put in place his skills in order to be an added value for the company.

In the area of tourism, improvisation and creativity may relate to a range of activities within the company. From cooking to reception, passing by cleaning. It appears to be a paradox, but workers with a high training level are the most capable to express creativity. This is real because, just as it is in every other area, knowledge makes us masters of arguments and activities.

Some Hotels decided to spread the concepts of improvisation and creativity through a particular tool named House organ.

What is the House organ?

It is a real newspaper and companies use it for some years now, but only like a simply source of information. In particular, the House organ is a corporate publication aimed at informing employees about business activities and objectives. Behind a House organ, there is generally a real publishing project, primarily with a view to involving the staff into any business strategies. Through House organ, there is a wish to reinforce internal communication, thanks to three main terms:  

1)    By encouraging dialogue and contact between employees, involving them in the life of the company.

2)    By informing staff about business activities, projects, legislation and procedures, and about the social and economic climate in which the company lives.

3)    By allowing a feedback to employees (suggestions, critics, and by giving them a tool for communication).

With the advent of Internet and its dissemination, the House organ passes now through the web and some structures chose to share a part of it with the clients too. In this way, in the business section, it is possible to disseminate the drive to improvisation and creativity to the staff, while in the pages for clients, they can read stories, reviews or tell about their own opinion and speak directly to the employee of interest to them.

As we have repeatedly emphasized, staff is the business department more in tune with hotel’s guests. A large part of the success of a company depends on the staff. Customer loyalty is often an underestimated activity, but, on the contrary, it is very important end complex. Each method or innovation system aimed to secure customer loyalty should be turned in a real business strategy, in order to optimise services in all respects.

Gruppo La Meridiana is synonymous with quality, professionalism, efficiency and…innovation! We try everyday to find the best solutions for the success of our partners. Thanks to the experience, we are national leader in the Outsourcing Human Resources Management, because “we look inside”, but above all, “we look over”.


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