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How to develop a good merchandising strategy

A successful merchandising strategy is based on the idea that the presentation and the image of goods will greatly affect its sales. Although it is a concept that hoteliers generally associated with the selection of the right hotel equipment, such as pillows or the new layout that the rooms can have.

But this is not all. There is a new way of considering the merchandising that ensures a return of value in terms of appreciation of the hotel’s brand and increase its bookings that derived from the online advertising. This mentality is one of the successful keys of the hotels who want to compete in the hospitality market.

Nowadays online visibility is crucial and hotels that adopt strong merchandising campaign are the protagonists able to get more bookings than those one that are online without special showcases useful to attract customers.

Since many years the Group La Meridiana helps hoteliers to improve hotels attractivity, image and at the return of their financial investment. Dedicating team of expert are able to support your hotel business improving its merchandising strategy in short terms.

Here is a list of three simple tips offered by the expert team of the Group La Meridiana that help you to better present the products offered by or to start thinking about this opportunity offered by the online merchandising of your accommodation.

Tip 1: Know the online customer

The important thing to consider is that customers, that are interested in traveling, consult more websites before making a decision. This is why hoteliers need to put the profile of their properties and their services on the most visited websites. This will greatly increase the accessibility, visibility and the final choice of your hotels.

Tip 2: Identify the hotel with unique features

The systems of online merchandising allow hoteliers to use the visual content for

improving the presentation of their hotel on online sales platform. This is a powerful means to present the attractive content that will leave in the memory of potential customers a positive impression. The more the hotel is identified with a unique feature the most the customer will be led to find that particular experience which is not offered by others. It ‘so important to understand what are the unique features of your hotel and how to present these features to particular segments of guests. Your mission should be to use the unique features of your hotel to your advantage.

Tip 3: Develop an enchanting story

Having an online video that presents your hotel is an opportunity for hoteliers to tell the story of their hotel. If your hotel is a popular destination for business meetings, you can tell a story of how the meetings have produced with very good results and how the facilities offered by the hotel and its environment have helped significantly to the success of the meeting. Other business leaders will look at your hotel as a location where they can organize their meeting as well and this may cause a boomerang effect if the merchandise is wisely done.

In conclusion, merchandising has a great positive impact on hotels business. That why the Group La Meridiana offers unique and personalized services with a level of excellence to those hoteliers that want to revitalize or improve the business of their hotel. By enhancing the attractiveness of your online hotel the Group La Meridiana will help you over. The strength of the Group La Meridiana lies in ability to offer the best customization for each client. That’s why our customers are among the facilities with the most successful profile in Europe.


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