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5 tips for a successful job interview

After dozens and dozens of responses to job ads, hundreds of candidatures, eye-catching cover letters, phone calls and stalking parties and aperitifs in search of the “right contact” , the time has finally come for the interview . It will play all within a few minutes, precious chains of seconds from which will depend on your future , your personal satisfaction and the health of your portfolio. We want to give you five tips to get off the ring prepared and successful.

1 . Punctual and elegant (but not too much)

Start on the right foot can be crucial during the interview : do everything possible to not be late , rather try to arrive early , especially if it is a city or neighborhood that you do not know well. Browse to the location of the interview but do not be seen forty-two minutes before the appointment, otherwise you risk of sounding anxious and overzealous . Introduce yourself by name and surname – never by name only – but without the title because , especially if you have 23 years and a half, ” Enjoyment, are the engineer Whites” will sound ridiculous and out of place. Be elegant and with her hair in order, but avoid cufflinks and tuxedo , it is still an interview , not a ceremony.

2 . Working for you ? My dream

Conduct yourself and answer the questions as if to fill the position for which concorrete is your greatest dream. Without falling into the ridiculous , of course. No one will believe that your greatest desire is to make photocopies for nine hours a day or upload bricks under the relentless sun . In these cases, the company bets on interest , on the gratification that you would get from being part of this complex organism and interesting. Shown to be flexible with regard to the tasks and positions to be filled but not indifferent and generic .

3 . I know this company well

Familiarize yourself about the company, its history , its mission and its objectives : today the web can help you. Thumbing through well for the site and any articles that relate to the company for which you do the interview. Do not overdo it : you do not show knowledge by week puzzles , not mentioned in the roll of honor memory of CEOs from 1964 to the present. And above all, do not rush in moral or political judgments : if your morality does not allow you to interact with a multinational company that you think exploiting children in India , just do not show up to the interview.

4 . Empathy , magic word

Look for it, especially if the context allows , to get as much as possible to empathize with the examiners . From the handshake will not have to be neither an amputation of the limb right of those who examine , nor a cheese tasting soft valdaostani . Although trivial , comments about the weather can make complicit two people hitherto completely unfamiliar . Also use the same language can be a great tool approach : if our partner is extremely casual best to avoid cram your speech quotes and latinisms .

5 . Do not speak negatively of your previous experiences

Never speak negatively of your previous employers or companies to which you have worked or are still working . Always be positive and do not give the impression of running away from a negative situation but instead to strive for improvement. If you are unemployed or novice , horror, do not ever , ever go to pathetic tirades against the government, the social situation , the crisis , the lack of work : even if your words reflect the reality risulterete negative and pessimistic. And you would like a chronically depressed within your workforce ?

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