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Resources and News from the world of Outsourcing

Tertiarization and outsourcing

Among the phenomena that have affected the business world in recent years, two concepts emerge that are revolutionizing the productive structures of Italian and international companies. The first is outsourcing, that the readers of this blog know in various facets both from the point of view of production and organization. The second is the growth of the tertiary sector, a development that concerns the global economy.

The outsourcing of services is part of a restructuring of business productivity, in which the relationship between employer and employee turns in the direction of supply – receiving a service, a model that allows companies to focus on their core business, save on the management of human resources and which stimulates greater B2B collaboration.

The Encyclopedia Treccani defines outsourcing as

The process, just the advanced economies, which consists in the progressive lower impact on the formation of the industrial sector in GDP and employment, to the benefit of the tertiary sector, in partic. of which includes the advanced producer services and businesses, which are characterized by the continuous development of information technologies and information systems.

A fluid economy

Although it is difficult to bring back both phenomena to a common root, which is outsourcing outsourcing share a basic principle that invests in the current economy on various levels, namely, the idea of fluidity. What does that mean? If you go to analyze the overall picture of the main changes in the level of economic realities, we can see that the models of collaboration will become more and more multi-faceted, multi-faceted, multi-functional.

An economy in which collaborations are more linked to projects and provision of services requires a comprehensive review of labor relations: the current way in which staff will be searched, selected and managed is really the best possible? The Group la Meridiana plays a role in innovation because it proposes a new model that transforms (within the limits of its areas of expertise), the world of work and business.

A paradigm shift

You need to rethink the way in which companies make use of employees. In many cases, in fact, directly select their human resources and hiring new staff involves two risks: the first is a lot more time and resources in the process itself, and the second is to adopt a model too static and traditional (recruitment of employees) that can be unproductive.

In contrast, the outsourcing of staff allows companies to project on the only real need, namely to produce a new service or product, that is the final element, the so-called deliverable of its activity. One way to handle the actual course of his business and aim for long-term success.

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