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Talent management: why a good manager is so rare?

talent management

Recent statistics show how companies, in 80% of cases, fail to choose the right candidate for the role of manager. At the same time, a bad manager can lose the company a lot of money and reputation.

The result is a problem that must be addressed openly and with the best weapon possible: talent! Hiring a manager on the basis of talent means, for the company, growth and obtain a significant competitive advantage.

A few managers have the talent to achieve excellence

If great managers are scarce it’s because the talent is rare. But when we talk about talent ,in business management, we do not mean a particular feature. Rather a unique combination of skills that helps a working team to achieve excellence.

In certain occasions, it may also be worthwhile to invest on coaching and on the development plans for the figure of the manager if the latter shows to possess at least the basic skills to support, within the company, a culture of high productivity.

Certainly, every manager can learn how to engage a team, but without the natural talent is difficult to maintain high levels over time.

But what are the qualities of a good manager?

In order for the company to reach its goals without difficulty, a manager should be able to:

  • focus on the needs and strengths of each team member
  • have the courage to review the structure of the work team and eventually replace inefficient figures
  • involve the staff to achieve the objectives
  • run efficiently strategic processes
  • have experience (to gain experience from the ground up, day by day, it means jeopardizing the team and the results).

As mentioned above, the inefficiency of the companies in identifying the right talent, can cost a lot of money.

The traditional selection processes contribute significantly to this inefficiency.

Often, a manager is hired for a previous success in a non-executive employee or for the long years of stay in a particular company or in a specific sector.

But that does not mean that the candidate has the right talent to thrive in the role as a manager.

What a company should consider it is whether the candidate is able to:

  • motivate each individual employee to act and engage the team with a mission and a compelling vision
  • overcoming adversity by focusing on the results
  • to create a culture of responsibility
  • to build relationships that create trust, dialogue and transparency
  • make decisions based on productivity and not on company policy.

Very few people are able to show these five talents.

But we can not forget that a good manager can help to achieve the enterprise 147% of earnings.

Talent management: how to identify high-potential talent?

Often, the correct figure is hidden right inside the company. For this reason, every company should develop a good plan of talent management, based on the predictive analysis of human capital. This means finding out in advance the people within the business, that they can become real stars.

The talent creates growth.

Companies have the ability to attract talent, but also to lose them. E it is for this reason that businesses need to develop a good global strategy of human capital.

To attract, recruit, evaluate and develop: this is the magic formula that turns the simple personnel management in talent management.

If you can not find the right talent, rely on our experience. Contact us for advice and we’ll provide you the best possible solution for every need of your business.

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