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Core business: the 10 business processes key

core business

In any organization there is a  basic strategic processes set  by which the company can function properly. This applies to small companies than for large companies. It starts from 5 critical processes that characterize any business. And from them then they develop other five, according to the organization’s growth. A program of this type is nothing more than the so-called core business, which is the main activity of a company.

The term “critical processes” means the identification by the management of corporate objectives that are critical to competitiveness on the current and future markets.

The selection of these processes is, in fact, an essential pre-requisite for development and / or for the redesign of any business.

Core business: the first steps

No matter what industry you operate and what kind of products / services you offer. To each company is required first of all to identify their customers. To manage the relationship with them and with suppliers. And to offer an asset in exchange for money.

After starting to receive money, it will be necessary to manage the quantity between expenses and income. Which means that you will need to develop an accounting process.

Then you can concentrate on the process of delivery of the product / service. This phase can not take life without first having created a proper quality and control development program. Finally, to ensure the company a long-lasting life and optimized production, it will be necessary to hire staff, manage finances and be able to fix any problems that arise along the way.

As a result, basic, laid the previous premises, the 10  business processes key, which constitute the core business, are:

  1. Sales and Marketing
  2. Development and employee satisfaction
  3. Quality, process improvement and change management
  4. Financial analysis, reporting and capital management
  5. Responsability Management
  6. Orders Acquisition
  7. Product / service Development
  8. Delivery of product /service
  9. Accounting management
  10. Tools management (technology).

Outsourcing and Core Business: what benefits?

In the past, the main business model was called “island.” Nowadays, however, the modern enterprise is more like a network and is much more difficult to establish the boundaries. Just think of the relationships with customers, with suppliers, with the consultants, with partner companies and all stakeholders in the territory.

In this context, it is very difficult to devote the whole of the core business. So much so that, if before the outsourcing was conceived only for non-core activities, today it is instead one of the fastest and most effective business management solutions. Contact us for advice today. Our professionals are at your service to grow together!

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